You will have received lots of tips and guidance on how to improve your speaking and presenting skills. However there is one I recommend above all other tips, techniques and tricks.
You will know by now there are a lot of ways to become a more effective presenter. The one I'm going to share with you today is absolutely critical. This technique will elevate your presenting way beyond anything else you do!
In fact you will never get past a certain point in your presentation effectiveness unless you do it. If you use it, you will improve - no matter how good you are right now.
This is a three part technique, and like anything with three parts, miss one out and it fells wrong. Like your holiday, it’s got to have a great hotel, a great resort and appropriate weather. Miss one and somehow you fell let down or unfulfilled.
Part one: Record yourself every chance you get. This could be at a Networking group, Chamber of Commerce, a school parents association, or your local interest group. In fact, you should do this anywhere where you express your thoughts or opinions. Starts by using a voice recorder, many smart phones have the facility, or you can pick up an inexpensive digital audio recorder. Every time you speak, switch it on and have it in front of you so it picks up everything you say.
Part two: Once you have become familiar with the sound of your own voice and at easy with your digital audio recorder, start to video every talk you give. And yes Chamber events, Women’s Institute talks, Networking meetings, everywhere you speak, tape it.
Part three: Review each and every recording so you can plan your way forward. You know about learning from your mistakes, well this is a great way to check what you have done, and where you see improvements can be made – Make them.
A quick note : A lot of people do Step One only. This process will ONLY work effectively if you do Steps Two and Three.
Having the right equipment will help and you can no pick up a Digital audio recorder for about £50:00 and most of us will have a camcorder of one sort or another. If you can use an HD version it will help, because it will pick up more of the facial nuances you may not be aware of. And as the advert goes “every little helps”
Feedback is one of the most important tools you have. And you should ask for it at every opportunity. Here is an offer when you start doing this send me a link to your talk and I will review it and send you a detailed review.
Anyway please take a look and it would be nice if you fed that back to me. Here is the link I hope you enjoy it.
About the Author
Paul M Johnstone is a Professional Communicator, Speaker, Executive Mentor and PowerPoint Guru! He works with companies, charities and individuals, helping them improve their communication skills and deliver successful presentations.Paul can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at and