Thursday 17 March 2011

DO your prospects Trust You? by Paul Johnstone

In the world of sales, trust is king.

You can advertise, promote, tweet, post, blog and sell like Dale Carnegie on steroids, but if you haven't built trust with your potential customer, it’s truly a waste of good resources.
Researchers keep telling us why people buy from you.  Bu what I know from over 25 years in business is people buy from people.  Importantly they buy from people they know like and trust.

When you buy on-line which you are doing more and more often these days trust is a major factor.  We buy books from Amazon and we trust Amazon. But can you think back 10 years or se when they first started out?  They had to build trust before they could start doing business. We now buy almost anything on-line. From Books, music, groceries, DIY products, insurance even cars! But unless we trust the site we won’t buy from them.

Over the years I realised that one way to build trust is to educate people.  People need to know about you, your company and your products and services. Now there are several ways to do this. Blogging, Tweeting, PR, Advertising, word of mouth, appearing on Radio or TV shows etcetera.  What you are doing is building recognition in your prospects mind.

This is very important because, this recognition takes place in a non-sales atmosphere. As consumers we build up a picture of products and companies we buy from, both positive and negative.  A lot of the information we use for this comes from a non sales environment.

Remember when you are selling people hate being sold to but love to buy.  Your job is to make it easy for the consumer to take the next step and buy from you.  This is where trust is the key, to opening up that sale.

Giving people information is always a great way of building trust.  Give away ten top tips on whatever you are a specialist in.  This will encourage people to come back to your site again and again,  However you should try to update parts of your site regularly so prospects have something to come back to time after time till they buy.

However, one thing is for certain, without trust, your potential for sales are much thiner

Catch up with you again soon!

Paul Johnstone is the founder of
The Paradigm Shakers
Providers of Thought Provoking Training
Delivered by Subject Matter Experts

©Paul Johnstone; The Paradigm Shakers
P.S I always appreciate feed back and comments
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