Thursday 14 April 2011

The Clock is ticking and your time is running out - Paul M Johnstone

60 Seconds = Success

When you are networking you often have a 60 second spot.  Here are a few tips to help you get the most from that opportunity.

Something I see people do all to often is try and cram too much information into their 60 seconds, please don’t.  Keep the message simple, it needs to be remembered by your audience.  Just think about the last time you were in a room and someone delivered their slot.  They told you they provided writing services (apologies to all copywriters, PR people and anyone with a multi discipline portfolio).  They start telling you what they can do.  I”I wrote copy fort brochures, and Exhibition stand, and I provide PR, Internal communications  as well as Web content and write on-and –on.” I bet you stop listening.

The accepted way to present you and your business is the same as your marketing,

Niche your marketing message and not your business.

People will always ask do you do this?  Or as you write fro web sites do you write Press Releases?

If you can remember how many words people speak normally is about 120 words per minute, give or take.  To be remembered, the holy grail of the 60 seconds, target 100 words for maximum effect.  Now you can chose your words, pause for effect and you have a much better opportunity to be remembered.

Catch up with you again soon!
Paul Johnstone is the founder of
The Paradigm Shakers
Providers of Thought Provoking Training
Delivered by Subject Matter Experts

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