Wednesday 5 January 2011

Public Speaking: Paul Johnstone's Top 10 Ways to Get Free Publicity

You may know Publicity Junkies. Well I bet you have met one.

You see them smiling back at you from colour photos that accompany their profile story in the morning paper. Tune into the radio and there they are again, chatting away on a local talk show. Some time later, they appear on the front of your trade journal. Next they're being interviewed on the 10 o'clock news. While you're buying advertising to deliver your message, they're doing it for free.

How do they do that?  Well for a start they follow the rules.  What Rules, I never knew there were rules!   Media relations are a complex business with its own etiquette, protocol and rules. Her are the top 10 easy to follow rules for getting you in front of the camera or radio mike.

Here are my Top 10 tips for free publicity:
1. Send news releases about new products and services, contests, awards, open houses, speaking engagements to the media, meetings and post them online where consumers can find them.

2. Write "how-to" articles for newspapers, magazines, trade publications and newsletters, and for online article directories, and offer lots of free advice. It helps establish you as an expert.

3. Get onto the speaking circuit. Speaking to community groups and trade associations is a wonderful way to "create the buzz" about your business.

4. Create a website chock full of free advice, articles by and about you, story ideas about your business, and an electronic media kit.

5. Write an ezine. A free electronic newsletter helps you sell your products and services to an international audience and costs almost nothing compared to expensive direct mail campaigns. With permission, you can send the ezine to reporters who cover your industry.

6. Get to know reporters. Offer yourself as someone they can call on for background, commentary and story ideas. Call and ask, "How can I help you?"

7. Start your own TV show on your local cable TV There are lots of local TV companies springing up all over the place and they need content and if you can provide it, hey another shot at the big time.
8. Look for photo opportunities. Local newspapers, TV stations, weekly shoppers, trade publications and other media are always looking for interesting photos. Call the media with ideas, or submit your own photos.

9. Blog, and post comments at other blogs. Bloggers, unlike journalists, love to link to each other, and getting in front of one influential blogger can really create a buzz online.

10. Participate in online discussion groups and offer lots of helpful advice. Reporters hang round here, and if they're impressed with your messages, they might contact you for a story. Use a signature file in your email that explains what you do and how you can help solve people's problems. Link to your web site. Above all, be patient and persistent. The key to savvy media relations understands how to dovetail your wants and needs with those of the media.

Anything is possible once you decide to do it.

For more business tips please download one of my free sales and marketing tips sheets from
Paul Johnstone © 

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