Monday, 19 September 2011

Grabbing your audiences attention - Paul M Johnstone

Start with a bang!

A regular series of tips and techniques on Public speaking, presentation skills and presenting with PowerPoint, all of them are easy to master.  Sharing with you tips on overcoming the fear of public speaking which allow you to present with ease.  Let me know your views on these tips on connecting with your audience.

A friend of mine, a motivational speaker, uses their climb of Everest, as the theme of teambuilding.  Now climbing Everest you would think would be about high winds, Ice traverses and all pulling together. 

Well you would be wrong and one of the reasons is the statistics shown during the opening the opening sequence.  This is that 75% and 1 in 100. 

These refer to the 75% failure rate of climbers on Everest. 

The other 1 in a 100 is the number of deaths on Everest!

Which is I am sure you’ll agree an arresting start.  And it does more than put Everest into perspective, it takes the audience to a low place.  Not what they are expecting from a motivational speaker.

But it has the effect of allowing the speech to work to a series of peaks. 

Back in the late 70’s there was a sales motivational speaker, who’s name I forget, no doubt someone will be able to help me out!  He used to come onto a dark stage wearing a white suit. 

But with all the house lights down no one could see him.  His speech started when he fired a starting pistol.  Now that grabbed everyone’s attention.  And his speech was called close that sale.

Now these two examples are not easy to copy.  But think about your own talk.  I bet there us something in there you can highlight at the beginning.   Here are a few I have heard:

The Business coach who says at the start “You will never look at another set of accounts in the same way again”  A simple statement but gets his audiences attention straight away.

The Debt recovery specialist, who says “You have not lost money, it’s juts someone else is  using it at the moment, but you will get it back, when you follow these simple techniques”!

The PR speaker who starts every speech and pitch with “I can make you famous”

These three examples are simple and appropriate to the presentation.  With just a little preparation you will be starting your presentations with a BANG!

Keep checking back for more detailed insight into these three goals in the coming weeks

Comments and feedback pleas! Feel free to comment on this or any of my earlier Blogs. You guys keep me on track and help me improve.

About the Author

Paul M Johnstone is a Professional Communicator, Speaker, Executive Coach and PowerPoint Guru!  He works with companies, organisations and individuals, helping them improve their communication skills.  Paul helps people want to speak and present more effectively, to improve their personal and professional success. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at
©Paul M Johnstone

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