Wednesday 5 October 2011

Are you version 1.50 or 3.50? - Paul M Johnstone

Knowing what version of speaker software you use is a great way of working out what is the best way of delivering you presentation. 

Did you know that we have lots of ways of speaking and public speaking utilises a different version to our normal speech pattern? 

Whenever you speak to people, one on one, one on two or to groups, we all have a natural pace.  And this is where speaking version 1.50 or 3.50 comes into its own.  Just like the difference of driving a small family car and driving an articulated lorry. 

When you are speaking publicly or presenting you need to do some things just a little bit differently.

Our natural speaking speed is between 130 and 190 words a minute.  But we think at around 350 words a minute! This is your version 3.50.   When you address a group it’s important you select version 1.50.  Which means, to get a better response from your audience you should speak at about 150 words per minute. 

And the reason is simple.  If you have ever tried to speak at the same speed you think, how often have you been tripped up by using too many words?  How often have the thoughts just dried up and you become lost for words?

Speaking to groups and presenting business ideas means you need to engage your audience.  After all if you just stand up and deliver your message without engaging both your brain and your audience, you may as well talk to the wind.

You will get a better response from your audience if you slow down and pause noticeably between sentences.  Slow down your delivery and pause, the keys to getting a better response from the people you want to influence. 

About the Author

Paul M Johnstone is a Professional Communicator, Speaker, Executive Coach and PowerPoint Guru! He works with companies, charities and individuals, helping them improve their communication skills and deliver successful presentations.  Paul can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at and

©Paul M Johnstone

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